Description of Our Student Population

Description of Our Student Population
The P186X – Main site has a total of 46 classes from grades K-8. These consist of twelve 8:1:1 standardized assessment (SA) classes, fifteen 12:1:1 (SA) classes, six 12:1:4 alternate assessment (AA) classes, six 12:1:1 (AA) classes, two 8:1:1 (AA) classes and five 6:1:1 (AA) classes. In addition to the main building there are six annexes which are: P186X @ 306, P186X @ 146, P186X @ 140, P186 @ East Bronx Academy, and P186X @ Bronx Studio HS. P186x @ 306 consist of 16 K-8 alternate assessment classes (three 12:1:4, eleven 12:1:1, and two 8:1:1 classes). P186X @ 146 consist of ten K-2 AA/SA classes (three 12:1:1, five 8:1:1, and two 6:1:1 classes) and one 12:1:1 SETTS/Inclusion class. P186 @ 140 has four K-5 12:1:1 standardized assessment classes and one 12:1:1 SETTS/Inclusion class. P186X at East Bronx Academy and P186X at Bronx Studio High School each has one 12:1:1 SETTS/Inclusion class. P186X at NY Psychiatric Institute has one 12:1:1 High School class.
Educational programs are provided in the different sites for children and adolescents according to the special education continuum. Students are referred to a specific class ratio by the Committee on Special Education.
- 6:1:1 Classroom:
- No more than six(6) students per class
- One full-time special education teacher
- One full-time paraprofessional
The maximum class size for special classes containing students whose management needs are determined to be highly intensive, and requiring a high degree of individualized attention and intervention, cannot exceed six students, with one or more supplementary school personnel assigned to each class during periods of instruction (6:1+1).
- 8:1:1 Classroom:
- No more than eight (8) students per class
- One full-time special education teacher
- One full-time paraprofessional
The maximum class size for special classes containing students whose management needs are determined to be intensive, and requiring a significant degree of individualized attention and intervention, cannot exceed eight students, with one or more supplementary school personnel assigned to each class during periods of instruction (8:1+1).
- 12:1:1 Classroom:
- No more than twelve (12) students per class
- One full-time special education teacher
- One full-time paraprofessional
The maximum class size for special classes containing students whose management needs interfere with the instructional process, to the extent that an additional adult is needed within the classroom to assist in the instruction of such students, cannot exceed 12 students, with one or more supplementary school personnel assigned to each class during periods of instruction (12:1+1).
- 12:1+ (3:1) Classroom:
- No more than twelve (12) students per class
- One full-time special education teacher
- four full-time paraprofessionals
The maximum class size for those students with severe multiple disabilities, whose programs consist primarily of habilitation and treatment, shall not exceed 12 students. In addition to the teacher, the staff/student ratio shall be one staff person to three students. The additional staff may be teachers, supplementary school personnel and/or related service providers (12:1 + (3:1).