Remote Learning Resources

Return to School 2021-2022
NYC Programs and Services
The below selection offers information related to city programs that provide support, resources, and programs for family and child well-being.
- Growing Up NYC: Growing Up NYC is a mobile-friendly website that makes it simple for families to learn about and access City programs, as well as services and activities available through government agencies and community partners in English and in Spanish.
- Office of Children and Family Services: Provides helpful information and resources to families that want to learn more about prevention, support, and family assistance during this time.
- Citywide Guide to Services and Resources in NYC: Women Creating Change designed this resource guide to help individuals and organizations access needed low- or no-cost social services, programs, and resources available throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
Digital and Hands-on Activities for Children
The below resources offer unique experiences you can partake in from home, educational online games and activities, and suggestions for activities that help you learn and bond with your child during everyday moments and daily routines.
- PBS Parents Blog: Blog posts and information on different topics for early childhood, including how to discuss the virus with young children, as well as hands-on activities you can do from home.
- PBS Kids Apps: Free award-winning educational apps for children from PBS. Many are in English and Spanish.
- Children’s Museum of the Arts: 52 videos of DIY Activities at Home, How-To Videos are less than a minute long, visual instructions, set to music so there is no language barrier.
- Play Recipes from Brooklyn Public Library: Enjoy these play activities with everyday materials for children 0-3 years.
- The PBS KIDS Play and Learn Science App: Hands-on science projects with everyday materials, along with online science games and explorations.
- Noggin App: Get 90 days of free access to an ever-expanding library of eBooks, learning games, interactive episodes, activities, and 1,000+ ad-free full episodes of preschool shows developed by curriculum specialists. To access Noggin:
- Enter this unique URL into your browser: doe/
- Follow the steps to create a FREE account
- Check your inbox for a verification email (and verify your account)
- Download the Noggin app on your devices through the iOS App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon App Store and/or Roku
- Open the Noggin app and tap Sign In
- Sign in using your Noggin account email and password - Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems:Author Mo Willems invites you into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks.
- National Geographic Kids: This site provides an opportunity for families to engage in educational games and activities around nature and animals. Visit to experience all things animal-related!
- R-SUCCESS: On this site you will find audio recordings of stories inspired by the oral narrative traditions of Latino and African heritage families, as well as activities to accompany the stories.
- Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens: Take a field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens. Videos with zookeepers will teach about animals ranging from Galapagos turtles to red pandas. Also includes activities that can be done at home.
- Explore Live Cams: Watch animals around the world move about their day with these live action cameras. You can choose from so many different animals from land, air, or sea.
- Wide Open School: Wide Open School is a free collection of the best online learning experiences for kids from these 25 organizations, curated by the editors at Common Sense Media.
- Cosmic Kids Yoga:Do yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation with your child in this unique story format!
- GoNoodle: 5-minute videos provide all you need for a short dance party and movement break.
- Chrome Music Lab: Create your own music experiments! These interactive experiences help you create your own beats in a variety of eye-catching ways.